UI Designer & NN/g UX certified

Philipp Santl

Good interface design must be fun and, in our digitalised everyday life, at best barrier-free and natural. As this development does not only happen in the professional world but also in our private life, it is my incentive to always find graphic solutions to optimise the interaction between man and machine. My previous work has always been characterised by know-how in the areas of service design, product design, graphic and web design and has always had a strongly user-oriented approach. It is not only important to me to understand the customer, but to integrate him into the design process. This approach was sometimes one of the core components of my studies of Design & Product Management, which I completed at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg. Since May 2017 I am part of the coeno team and responsible for the design of attractive and above all functional user interfaces.

Weiterbildung und co.

Und sonst so?

Neben Projekten legen wir viel Wert auf Weiterbildung.

Ich bin noch ganz frisch im Team der coeno. Bald gibt es auch Blogartikel von mir.
Photos of the teammember

Philipp in numbers


years of design


years of skateboarding


hours a day only food in head