Start-up support


In May 2020, Alexander Streit had an idea for a pressing problem of our time: how to make office workplaces safe even in times of COVID-19. One month later, the expert for ventilation and air-conditioning technology approached us with his prototype, an acoustic partition with integrated UV-C technology for air disinfection. This inactivates corona viruses, which are mainly transmitted via aerosols in the air.At that time, there was still no clear positioning for the product and also no name - not even for the start-up.


In just four weeks, a comprehensive package of UX services has been delivered in close coordination and cooperation with the client. In our experience, start-ups are very dynamic and active. Thanks to the concentrated power, the new website was live after eight weeks - including a new name, new logo. Thus, the basis for a successful market entry was created in a very short time.


Rapid Design Thinking
UI Design
Value Proposition
UX Produktion

Time Frame

Summer 2020

The great team at coeno worked with us to develop the value proposition, branding and website for With their targeted support, the quality and speed of the results, coeno made a significant contribution to our start-up being able to offer the right products and services on the market within 3 months.

Alexander Streit, Founder and Managing Director,

Clear orientation for the product vision

In a value proposition workshop, we developed the value proposition for the users. To do this, we interviewed employees and works councils and processed the insights (jobs, gains and profits) in a workshop. The result of this process:

calina. actively protects health at every workplace.

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Logo design, font selection and colour schemes

The name of the product and the start-up was originally intended to be claire for "clean air engineering". The terms "clean air" and "active protection" from the VP have had a lasting influence on the logo and the colour scheme. The figurative mark with the curved small c visualises the initial letter and the dynamics of air exchange through air disinfection and is protected by a second large C. The modern, airy colour world is enlivened with a luminous blue-turquoise, supported by various shades of grey and black as the font and accent colour. The decisive factors here were the prominence of the lowercase c and the dynamics of the lowercase a, as well as the type style. The figurative mark, the logo font and the colour scheme are so strong that the change of name from claire to the fantasy name calina does not detract from the expressiveness. All in all, all components contribute perfectly to the brand image.

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Onepager for calina.DESK, expansion with calina.MEET

For the website with the first product calina.DESK, we developed a concept for a one-pager, which could later be easily expanded and transformed into a more comprehensive product website. The screen design is based on a stage idea, which puts the USPs of the product in the foreground with large-format images and picture details. The technical implementation was done in Webflow, a responsive web design tool and CMS. Also important: Already during the screen design, the image perspectives and image sections for the page were determined in order to be able to carry out the photo shoot efficiently (thanks again to

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Weitere Cases

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