
Codename "Örtli"


A potentially disruptive idea, briefly presented on 10 PPT slides, has to be brought to life. Even if the idea itself is convincing, it is still just that: an idea. It has to be made tangible, tangible - that's the only way it can inspire. The budget is available, but not in excess and the timing is more than sporty: in 6 weeks there will be a board meeting at which it is to be presented.


An innovative, interactive demo that runs directly on a tablet allows immersion in the digital part of the product idea. With onBoarding as a possible hurdle, a prototypical flyer as an insert to the prototypical packaging ensured the right expectations for the users, even before the actual use. In digital onBoarding, an explanatory video promotes acceptance. Stakeholders are convinced by an accompanying presentation with a summary of the findings from a joint one-day workshop.


Interaction Concept
UI Design

Time Frame

November - December 2018

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Tailor-made workshop

We used our very own format with, in our view, well-functioning elements of the Google Venture Design Sprint, our own modules such as the UX Matrix and pair sessions to identify Pains, Gains and Jobs. This delivered in just 6 hours net for defining an initial feature set, identifying potential hurdles in adoption and use, and solution approaches for a useful and usable implementation.

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Fast UX production

Thanks to the tangible results from the workshop, the implementation of the concept and design could start directly and lead in parallel in work packages via wireframes to screen designs directly to the prototype in only 3 weeks. The storyboard for the explanatory film as a briefing for the speaker and a draft for the packaging were also based directly on the results of the workshop and were thus efficiently created, coordinated and finalised.

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Product demo

Ideas for digital products need to be experienced in order to really take hold of them. This works best with the help of simple demos based on screen designs that can be operated interactively directly on the target platform. It makes a big difference whether screens run as slideshows or can be operated directly on a tablet, for example. In just 3 weeks, a demo is created for the Örtli that includes all relevant areas of the product and presents them in an inspiring way.

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Weitere Cases

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