

Initial situation

In order to further expand the streaming offer of the IP entertainment services platform waipu.tv, the successful waipu.tv application already available on other devices such as FireTV was also implemented on AppleTV devices of the latest generation. For this purpose, the existing core functions and views were transferred to AppleTV in an MVP approach and rethought in parts such as the EPG.


The core functions of the waipu.tv application were adopted as far as possible. For the platform-specific look & feel of the application on AppleTV devices, the design was adapted to the given AppleTV UI guidelines. Due to the special features of the AppleTV Remote, not only was the 4-way navigation concept implemented via the arrow keys, but new interaction possibilities with the waipu.tv application could also be created via special swipe gestures.


Interaction Concept
UI Design

Time Frame

Project period:
October 2018 - March 2019

coeno Effort:
40 days

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