Guest at Microsoft in Redmond

Microsoft rethinks - Together with other representatives of various partner agencies from Germany, I was invited to get first information about Windows 10.


UX Camp Europe 2015 (Berlin)

Heard a lot, haven't been there myself and finally got tickets thanks to our sponsoring. A short field report about the visit of the UX Camp Europe 2015.


UI principles for a smart home application

What constitutes a good user interface for smart home applications is summarized concisely and well prepared by Bettina Streit in this article.


The way to a smart home

The market for smart home technology is growing by 17% annually. One in four, however, finds it too complex to operate. This is reason enough for us to…


Product, People, Platform – UX London 2015

Everyone likes well-designed things and a good user experience. But mostly deadlines, tight budget and/or time have priority over well thought-out details.


With Rapid Contextual Design to structured requirements

In the article I give an overview of the individual steps of this process and what experiences we have made in using the RCD process can be read here.


10 Theses on User Experience in the Smart Home

The smart home has arrived and with it the next challenge for UX experts. However, by no means everything that is feasible also meets user requirements.


Read Kafka! Four ways to the aha-moment

Creativity arises from conflicts in the brain. Research shows that the ability to trigger and promote conflicts in the brain makes you creative.


Innovating with Rapid Contextual Design - a field report

The most important thing is to create precise briefings that must take place before each team process step. Each step requires a specific mindset.
