What users want

The experts from coeno recommend the Fraunhofer FIT for the targeted further education of information architects, conceptioners and designers.


Everybody has everyday experiences - Development of user interfaces with the support of basic sensory experiences

So we understand exactly when someone says that they want to turn the temperature of a heater up or down. Up means warmer and down means colder.


Same, same - but different. How similar do apps on different platforms really have to be?

It is important to keep the UX between platforms consistent as well as to retain platform specific characteristics. Limiting factors and constraints are…


"I hate forms!"

But what makes good forms? "What do I want to achieve as the provider of the form?", are after all already good questions to approach the topic.


IA Conference 2014 - Second day and conclusion

Of great interest to me was the talk by T. Jonas on the revision of ZDF heute and the ZDF Mediathek App, as many of our customers come from the TV sector.


10 rules that make every UX successful and good - or not

A positive user experience can only be built through a case-by-case mapping of precise user wishes within the framework of a usability engineering process.


IA Conference 2014 - Workshop on idea generation and first day

The first day of the conference began with a talk by Thomas Koch, who, after over 40 years of experience, was already one of the "seniors" in the industry.


The age of the "Real Time Web"

As a developer at coeno I am often reminded of the year 2005 lately. At that time new web technologies started to revolutionize the internet.


Ice App - The experiment or does user involvement lead to better results?

The goal of the project is to develop a concept for a mobile app that supports the sale of ice cream from a Piaggio Ape and makes it appealing to the user.
