Successful World Usability Day in Munich

This year's theme was "Innovation". In Munich we gave companies the opportunity to present their ideas and innovations to the Munich audience.


The fear of the user

Why we in Germany are still not listening to the user when developing digital products. A polemic from the perspective of Managing Director Markus Kugler.


Start the concept where the user also starts

Without good onboarding, 50% of all users will not log in a second time. We have summarized in this article how this can be successfully counteracted.


Measure emotions: 10 metrics to track UX ROI

Only when it can be measured is it good. This also applies to the user experience. But how is the return on investment of UX efforts measured and reported?


"With Sky, the user is the center of attention on every device!"

We wanted to find out what effect our work has from the customer's view. Marco Braun, Head of Product Concept and Delivery at Sky, gave us an interview.


"Dickes B" - or: Why authenticity is somehow boring

In this article we take a closer look at the new social media service "Beme" and explain what is so different and radically new about this app.


Tips for UX Researchers

User research and tests are part of the job for UX experts. If you want to know whether the new UI is really popular, you need feedback from real users on…


Why UX experts do large companies good

UX is now penetrating all industrial sectors. Markus Kugler, Managing Director of coeno, gives three reasons for large companies to now focus on UX.


Update of the DB Navigator App: Many good things, but still not commuter friendly

The update of the DB Navigator App brings a lot of good things. Still, it also brings a lot of things with it, which we need to talk about more intensely.
