User research and tests are part of the trade for UX experts. If you want to know whether the new UI is really popular, you need reliable feedback from real users on their natural interaction with the product. A professional interview or questionnaire guide is essential for this.
You need to ensure that your questions guide the respondents safely through the test - whether personally or remotely - without confusing them or leading them to the desired "right" answers. 6 tips for UX researchers have been compiled by the User Testing Blog. These are taken from the e-book User Testing Your Next Project, which can be downloaded here for free. The tips help to develop questions that save time and avoid incorrect results. Tip 6: Test your questions with a test participant before you start a large remote test and modify your questions according to his feedback.
User interviews are recommended already in the early stages of a new product development. UX Consultant & Usability Engineer Anja Lange describes in the coeno UX-Blog how user requirements can be collected and structured on the basis of these semi-structured interviews using the example of the Rapid Contextual Design method. At coeno, the identified requirements form the basis for the development of ideas and concepts for new applications / products or those to be optimized.
UX number of the month
5 – For a qualitative usability test 5 users per user group are sufficient, again confirmed by Nielsen Norman NN. Who wants to test more is usually wrong - exceptions confirm the rule.
"The light comes from above." The blog post by UX and UI designer Eric Kennedy from Seattle is a bit older (November 2014), but offers compact basics for UI development. Eric Kennedy addresses UI developers who want to design their own UIs and UX designers who know that a good UX sells better in an attractive UI package. This is not about professional design, but about practical rules for UI developers - from lights and colors to fonts and art. Expressively illustrated!