How do you make the user happy?



The inspectors

User experience is a holistic approach, says French UX specialist Marvan Achmar, who explains in his blog the differences between UI designers, product usability experts and UX designers. According to Achmar, UX designers are ultimately auditors - they check all aspects of usability. UX designers pursue only one goal: to create a consistently positive user experience. "If you want to develop a positive UX, you have to identify the wishes of the users and be able to create the technical requirements to fulfill these wishes", knows coeno managing director Markus Kugler.

But how do you make the user happy? Anja Lange, UX-Consultant & Usability Engineer at coeno, explains usability: Put the user in the center of attention. Pay attention to the usage context: How, when and where is the product or service used? Keep the product goal in mind. After all, products have to sell.

UX number of the month

70% - Return of Investment: "70% of all projects fail because the user does not accept them. There are even more exciting UX facts in this info graphic from the US-American company Experience Dynamics.


Most companies find it difficult to deal with criticism. The social media company Hootsuite shows how to turn bitter tweets into a clever campaign. The social media managers have integrated the complaints of their users into their update campaign and published them on YouTube. Hootsuite took an example from Jimmy Kimmel, who inspires millions with his show Celebrities Read Mean Tweets. The campaign is fun and it works.


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