UX design is essentially about developing valuable relationships between users and technologies. But it is also about the business of customers. This is exactly what Yegor Tsynkevich, founder and creative director of the Californian experience design studio 415Agency, has recently written for the Usability Geek blog. He calls for UX designers to develop a better feel for their clients' business. They should not focus solely on design, but understand the language of companies and link it to the needs of users.
According to Tsynkevich, this is no small challenge, since the linking of customer-relevant and company-relevant values in UX design is still often very unbalanced. However, with the complex combination of elements such as user research, insights, business strategies and creative problem solving in modern UX projects, the demands on UX professionals to focus more on the interaction between design and business are increasing. Tsynkevich shows the way: "Align your UX design with business goals," he advises his design colleagues, and encourages collaboration with other departments in the company. UX designers today should also be able to explain the business context of their design. Good communication skills are helpful.
We can only agree with Yegor Tsynkevich from our own experience. That is why we at coeno also deal with marketing strategies and the development of business cases, which we want to communicate plausibly to our customers. The training of communication skills is an advantage, as our colleague Sandra Schmelich explains in her blog post.
UX number of the month
36% – Make it as easy as possible for the user. 36% of website visitors who come to a website via a referral link click on the logo to get to the homepage, according to the 2015 B2B Web Usability Report by Huff Industrial Marketing, KoMarketing, & BuyerZone.
Just watch the world again! That's what Sarah Doody, UX Designer and product strategist from New York, recommends in her blog post for UX Magazine, which is already a little older but very worth reading. She deals with what she considers the most important part of the user experience: the process behind the development of user-friendly products and services. What the user does not see requires the most work.

Think about it and check again and again how an optimal solution looks like instead of just doing it. Doody is about the continuous engagement with the user and his behaviour. The more technical possibilities UX designers and conceptioners have at their disposal, the easier it is for this UX core element to get out of sight. According to Sarah Doody, a good, because user-friendly, product should captivate the user in a similar way as an exciting book or a great composition. UX creates stories. And they are the heart of our work. We should therefore go through the world with open eyes and leave room for the unexpected, which makes a good UI a top UI: It connects the real world of the user with the digital world. Pokémon Go shows where the journey is headed!