If we are to believe the augurs, experience design (ED) will become even more central than it was in 2014. In the commercial context, experience design is driven by the engagement - or touch points - between customers and products or brands. Psychology, linguistics or behavioral research play just as much a role here as interaction design or information architectures. Sounds complicated? Basically it's all about the good old customer experience, which is optimized by ED. Experience designers have the task of identifying existing touchpoints and coming up with new ones that make the customer experience more positive, more pleasant, more emotional, easier.
One of the hot UX trends shaped by Experience Design is the "Slippy" UX, which, in contrast to the "Sticky" UX (which is designed to keep the user engaged), strives for a more flexible user experience, thus presenting a new challenge to us UX designers.
Slippy UX is especially relevant for smart home developments. After all, the networked home is not supposed to constantly bother us with information, but to work in silence and only interact with us when we need to know something. By the way, the term "Slippy" comes from the interaction and UX designer Jake Zukowski, Assistant Creative Director at Frog Design, who deals with UX in the automotive sector, among other things. We follow him on Twitter: @jakez.
Is web design dead? Are digital and physical experiences connected with the triumph of the Internet of Things? Is card design gaining ground? More exciting UX trends for 2015 can be found in UX Magazine, for which international experts have peered into the UX crystal ball.
UX number of the month
77.3% - When it comes to online shopping, the classic calculator is still in good shape, according to a recent survey by IBM in the USA, which was published shortly after Christmas. Although mobile shopping continues to grow, 77.3% of all online purchases for the 2014 holiday were made on the PC. UX expert Bettina Streit, CEO of coeno, explains it like this: "M-commerce doesn't really take off because many online stores don't allow themselves a special design for the smartphone. UX sins also weigh more heavily on smaller displays, where the user would rather click on the web store. If you want to sell on the move, you should invest in user-friendly interfaces".
Material Design, Responsive Sites, Microinteraction? Foundersgrid has compiled the top design trends for 2015. More than 50 international designers name their three top trends in web design and graphic design. Foundersgrid is aimed at start-ups. Many young companies are at the forefront in terms of development. It is therefore worth taking a look at these design forecasts.