New web design for a new product

Sandra Roth


For the start-up, we delivered a comprehensive package of UX services in just four weeks. Starting with the target group analysis and the definition of the value proposition, the concept, corporate design with logo development and color scheme, photo shooting and the implementation of the product website were developed.


Together with, we make everyday office life airily beautiful and, above all, safe again. The products are developed for the office area and protect the health of the employees through an innovative UV-C disinfection which has been certified by the Fraunhofer Institute. Calina.desk provides a disinfection of the room air and is at the same time a design object.

Clear orientation for the product vision

In a Value Proposition Workshop we develop the value proposition for the users. These promises are based on the users' problems and benefit expectations. To gain insight into their expectations and views, we conducted contextual interviews. These provide us with a perfect basis and give us all the insights we need for the workshop.


With the target group analysis, which takes place in the Value Proposition Workshop, we examine the jobs, gains and losses of the defined user groups. A pain for the target group decision maker is for example "sees a particular health risk potential for employees because of an open-plan office" or "would like to see proof of effectiveness". In the workshop, all findings are systematically processed and prioritized. With these revealing insights, our client can push product development in the direction desired by the user. In addition, can use this information in the alignment of communication and the value proposition to the users.


Once we had jointly defined the strategy and content alignment, the next step was to build the product website. In a creative process, our UX designer Manuel Häfele outlined the concept in wireframes. The subsequent implementation took place with the webflow tool.

Insight into the logo design process

For the logo design, our designer Philipp Santl harmonized the company values and characteristic product attributes and transformed them into a strong word-image brand. Here is a small insight into the idea generation process and the implementation:


Step 1: Draw, sketch and ... draw again

In the beginning, as much creative output as possible is generated in a short time. It is advantageous to work unbiased in order to generate as much variance as possible.


Step 2: Selection & vectorization

Next, three suitable logo designs are selected. The predefined brand criteria serve as a basis for the decision. The selection can now be converted into a vector graphic.


Step 3: Evaluation

The preselection is now discussed and evaluated together with the customer.


Step 4: Detailing

After selecting the logo favorite, a suitable color palette is created and transferred to the logo design. This procedure also serves here as the basis for the general appearance of the brand.


With a strategic, comprehensible and always user-oriented approach, the new product website was created together with the customer. It is clearly aligned to the defined target groups and their needs. 

More information on

Further reading - last accessed on 8th of December 2020

Sandra Roth

UX Designer

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