How periscopes can change journalism

The photo app Snapchat is currently enjoying great popularity, especially among young people. It creates short snapshots that only last 24 hours.


Interfaces out of control?

The author of "The Best Interface is no Interface", Golden Krishna, comes up with some provocative thoughts about digitalization in his current book.


Material Design - What is behind the design trend 2015

Together with a new Android version called Lollipop, Google revealed a new design language called Material Design at its developer conference I/O.


Contemporary design for the Internet of Things?

New IoT technologies enter the market almost daily. Traditional industrial designers therefore urgently need to reinvent themselves, believes Gadi Amit.


Design Thinking - an experiment

At coeno, we are always dealing with different creative and usability methods and their possible applications. Our latest discovery: Design Thinking


Beyond UX: What makes OTT Services successful

In this context OTT is equivalent to "on demand video over IP on a smartTV". Title of the congress: Streaming Media - Technology & Monetizing.


Has the classic TV program guide had its day?

Hooray, long live television? What viewers really want is discussed by YouTube video producer LeFloid and Oliver Kalkhofe in the ZDF program log in.


Violations of the dialogue principles using Axure as an example

We subjected our daily conception tool Axure to an expert evaluation regarding possible usability problems - with exciting results that we did not expect.


Dialogue principles in their application: The Expert Evaluation

The goal of such an expert evaluation is to identify potential usability problems of the application. For this it requires defined usability criteria.
